Asiatic Archery Academy

Asiatic Archery Academy

The Academy is the place, where I am offering my online courses.

The courses will range from basic and advanced. In the future I will also offer special and trainer courses.

People aiming to become certified trainers in my system of Asiatic Archery will be required to follow these courses.

After having passed the necessary requirements, they will then be allowed to teach under the name and logo of Asiatic Archery by Armin Hirmer.

Join the online Academy

What other people are saying about my courses

“Super easy to follow, very well explained, and most of all I like the calmness in the way you teach.”
“Too much speed is the mother of all F@ck ups!”
“Nun habe ich mir den Grundkurs fertig reingezogen. Er ist sehr fein gemacht. Gratulation. Kein Fanatismus, einfach nur gediegen Pfeile schießen. Nun in der Stube das spannen auf deine Art geübt. Sie gefällt mir sehr, sie ist runder. Morgen beginne ich von neuem, draussen mit Laptop, Pfeil, Bogen, Daumenring und deinem Kurs zu arbeiten. Nochmals vielen Dank und viel Erfolg mit deiner liebevollen Arbeit”
“Now I have finished the basic course. It is very finely made. Congratulations. No fanaticism, just shoot dignified arrows. Now in the living room the tension practised in your way. I like her very much, she is rounder. Tomorrow I start working again, outside with laptop, arrow, bow, thumb ring and your course. Thank you again and good luck with your loving work.”
“I’m really enjoying the course! Very clear explanations and examples. The chapters are organised into manageable, easy to understand and practice sections.”
“I take your first online class, I like it, your teaching is clear and precise, I really enjoyed it.”
“A really easy to follow course, very solid structure, immersive and with harmonious vibes. It really makes you enjoy the basic foundations which.I recently started trying thumb release and Kathra following Armin videos on his YouTube channel previous to this course but this here is everything in them put all together in a detailed and polished timeline where everything makes sense. Once you start being aware of the little (but big) details, you don't care as much what happens on the target but where you are standing.”
“I just started the advanced course and watched the lesson about rhythm. Today, I went out to practice, focusing on my bow arm. I'm blown away by the difference! Shooting from 5–15m, I was hitting the center or very close. Even at 36m, I was still near the center. I struggle to focus on paper targets at a distance, but today showed me I don’t need to see every detail—just knowing the kill zone is enough. These two corrections feel like a major step forward, and I’m excited to see what’s next!”